Digitalización de los Procesos Productivos en Agronegocios 9 y 10 Noviembre 2023 - OnLine Programa "Sierra y Selva Exportadora” Ministerio de Agricultura del Peru, |
Audience: academics and students:
In the seminar we provide evidence of mushroom use and meaning of geometric motifs in Peru 3000 years ago that understand the purpose of the stela. |
The meaning of imagery on the Chavín Pacopampa Stela. Invited paper at the 40th Northeast Conference on Andean and Amazonian Archaeology and Ethnohistory November 4-5, 2023. Klarman Hall, Cornell University Peter Trutmann of Global Mountain Action and Prof John Henderson of Cornell University |
MACROHONGOS PERUANOS Y EL MEDIO AMBIENTE HOY Y ANDTES DE LA CONQUISTA 1ero Simposio Peruano de Hongos Macroscopicos, Cusco 11-12 May - ONLINE In the presentation evidence is discussed of how historical knowledge of mushrooms can help interpret environmental changes over the centuries. |
Presentation on Fungal diversity in cloud-forests of Peru 1ST SYMPOSIUM ON FUNGAL DIVERSITY IN NEOTROPICAL RCLOUD FORESTS PRESENTING RESULTS ON FUNGAL DIVERSITY IN CLOUD FOREST OF PERU (participamos en el 1er simposio de la diversidad de hongos en bosques de neblina) |
2019 THE COMMONS ?! A NEW 'COMMON SENSE' FOR AGRICULTURE A workshop Canton Glarus, Switzerland Tuesday 11 June 2019 |
2017 THE LATIN AMERICAN CONGRESS OF MYCOLOGY - GMA Sponsor - Member of Organizing and Scientific Committees - Coordinator of the Ethnomycology Symposium - Plenary Presentation of our mycology work in the Andes: Los Hongos Olvidados del Perú: Historia, Tradiciones y Diversidad Lima, 25-28 August 2017 |