2024 27 December La Ruta del Fungi Perú - Ciclo de charlas micológicas Se presentó cómo funciona la publicación Macrohongos de los Andes del Perú, destinada a ser una guía para investigadores, educadores, tomadores de decisiones y amantes de la naturaleza. Contribuimos a promover, proteger y disfrutar de la diversidad fúngica y los impresionantes ecosistemas naturales del Perú andino. |
07 December Transformación en el Agro: el enfoque desde la Inteligencia Artificial y la Inteligencia Humana Abordamos cómo la tecnología y la innovación están transformando el sector agropecuario, combinando la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y la Inteligencia Humana (IH) con ejemplos para mejorar la productividad y sostenibilidad. La integración de habilidades técnicas y blandas será esencial para liderar este cambio hacia un sector agrícola más digitalizado y conectado con las demandas globales. |
25-26 March Representing GMA at the 7th BioTrade Congress at the UNCTAD in Geneva. The purpose of the Congress was to propose policy recommendations and actions from government, business and civil society on how trade and trade policy can accelerate implementation of the Biodiveristy plan that was developped at the Kunming Montreal Framework at COP 15 meeting in 2022. Observing, updating ourselves and connecting. |
From left: Peter Trutmann, Bruno Stöckli, Amarilda Luque, Stefan Flückiger and Marco Baltensweiler
Annual Meeting 2024
15-17 March This year we held our Annual Meeing at our Global Mountain Center in the Casa Guardamunt, Orselina, Tessin 15-17 March, 2024 The Meeting included a social program of cooking local dishes, enjoying meals with the many discussions, even a Peruvian chocolate tasting, and of course a hike in the nearby mountains |
22 February Amarilda Luque been responding to people in urban areas for talks about cultivating herbs and plants in their apartments and homes through her GMA liked Mimacetita work. Other recent presentations have been on agro-business topics in support of members of cooperatives under the umbrella of GMA. Her recent presentations can be found in the on the RAISING AWARENESS page |
30-31 January A trip in early 2024 to the Lake Titicaca in Puno by Amarilda Luque and Peter Trutmann included a visit to the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano for discussions with Prof. Jorge Apasa (Anthropology) and Prof. Roberto Ramos (Archaeology). During the visit were invited to talk about the GMA work and introduce anthropology students to mushrooms and their cultural connections. |